It's hard to believe that Kaya is 2 weeks old already. It's all been such a blur. I feel like if I get her off the boob for long enough to shower and even maybe change out of pajamas, I've had an enormously productive day. And, even though I feel like she spends the majority of her time attached to my body, eating- we took her to the doctor for her 2 week check up and she has actually lost a pound since she was born.
Now I have to keep her on a strict schedule, eating every 2 hours, even through the night. As if I wasn't sleep-deprived enough as it is. She is completely and entirely worth it, of course. She got to spend some time with her great-grandparents (my mom's parents, who are in their 80s) and with her great-grandmother (her papa's grandmother who is 95!) this week. I think we are really lucky to have them around and I want to make sure that we cherish the time with them. It's so easy to take those things for granted when everything is so hectic.