One of the first things Kelsey said after we found out I was pregnant was that she wanted to throw me a baby shower. Now, I've
been to baby showers and the very concept of having one of my own made me vaguely want to barf. Imagining sitting in a roomful of women who are eating cucumber sandwiches, playing stupid games and assailing me with stories about the horrible things that happened to their nipples while breastfeeding and how many stitches it took to repair their vaginas after childbirth makes me want to run away from home and just have this kid alone in a cave somewhere. But, since Papa-to-be and I aren't married, our families have never met and we thought it was important that they did and we did want to have a day to celebrate. Besides, I have complete faith in Kelsey's party throwing abilities.
So, we invited everyone we are even distantly related to, got a cake and a bucket of beer and just spent the day together. It was a great day and it reminded me not only how much I love this man but how much I love my family and his and how lucky this little girl is going to be to call them hers.

Come on, tell me this man isn't going to be the best papa ever.

I'm going to bed now. Exhausted, belly full of baby and enough food and cake to feed a small family for a week or so and more sure than ever that this is going to be fucking amazing.
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