In the last week or so, Kaya has started to seem less like a newborn and more like a real, live baby. She is much more facially expressive and seems to be more aware of what is going on around her. She definitely recognizes me, her Papa and Kelsey and will move her head and neck to follow our voices. She is still a very colicky baby and screams bloody murder for a few hours everyday. I've really been having a hard time contemplating going back to work. Kaya is still nursing almost exclusively (we do supplement with formula from time to time if Mama needs a cocktail or if we are out in public somewhere that whipping out a boob would be entirely inappropriate). My maternity leave is coming to an end in just a few weeks and the idea of leaving her is horrifying to me. I'd hate to have to stop breastfeeding, I'd hate to be away from her for 8 hours a day and I really hate thinking about the possibility that a caregiver/babysitter might ignore her or treat her badly out of frustration (I reiterate- she is a VERY colicky baby and she SCREAMS for HOURS a day). So, her Papa and I decided that at this point, the best decision for our family is for me to stay home at least through the summer and then we will re-evaluate our options in a few months. It is going to be very tight financially for awhile but I am THRILLED!

C'mon, look at that face. Could you leave that??
baby girl. so sweet, and look at the transformation of your mamma. your pappi is so proud of you and her and so much in love with you both and your auntie. you three have brought much joy to him, particularly in a time when there was much darkness in his life. i love you wee one...
ReplyDeleteWhat a thrill to watch you fall asleep in my arms yesterday, little girl. What a face. I have to thank your mom for walking all that way in the heat just so I could see all of you.
ReplyDeleteI love you!!
you caused a stir yesterday, what with your picture in Dodger blue...a Mets fan wanted to stir things up but your Pappi and momma and auntie all slapped that down. you make me smile as the best Dodger fan ever!!
ReplyDeleteBaby girl...hangin' out with you at the stadium and you just takin' it in like the seasoned Dodger fan you are! What an angel you were. And how proud of you were we all when you stole the scene from the kissing couple in front of you on the Jumbotron??
ReplyDeleteI love you!
OK...you totally stole my heart yesterday with that thousand watt smile. It didn't hurt that you slept through our dinner at the restaurant, but how sweet is that smile?! I'm not a fan of baby talk, but I couldn't help myself. I love you!