I know that I have mentioned Kaya's love for Creedence Clearwater Revival several times already, but- it is a phenomenon so strange and so hilarious that I felt that it really merited it's own entry on this here blog.
In our first, desperate, frantic weeks as parents, Shaun and I did everything and anything we could think of to try to get even a few minutes reprieve from Kaya's incessant furious screaming. We would always go through the normal routine of feeding, diapering, swaddling, rocking etc. and when none of that worked, Shaun would frequently put music on and dance with her until she fell asleep.
Well, from the time she was only a few weeks old, we noticed that as soon as we put a Creedence album on, she would immediately get quiet and stay quiet as long as it was playing. We thought that it must have been something about the vinyl- maybe a faint background hiss that we couldn't hear. But, we knew that she didn't respond the same way to other vinyl albums so we made a Creedence CD and, sure enough- same thing. She LOVED it and got immediately quiet when it was put on. And I don't mean put on softly as background music for her to fall asleep to. I'm talking full on, turned up to 11 jam session.
We now rely on Creedence as much as we rely on clean diapers or bottles in our neverending quest to please, comfort and calm Ms. Holiday. It's become something of a party trick whenever we are out. She will be red-faced, balled-fist, screaming bloody murder and we will whip out the iPhone, find a Creedence video on YouTube and like the flip of a switch she will suddenly be wide-eyed and silent with a look on her face like "Oh, hot damn. This my jam." It almost never fails.
Some times, when we are listening to "Who'll Stop The Rain" for the ninth time that morning, I find myself cursing the name of John Fogerty and hoping she grows out of it soon. But, most of the time, it just makes me love my funny little girl even more and so thankful that it's not the Wiggles or some Jonas Brothers nonsense that most kids want to listen to.
Those of you who have witnessed this phenomenon for yourselves, please leave your favorite Kaya & Creedence story in the comments or at least just give me an amen so when she reads this someday, she knows I am not making it up.