Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kaya of the Day


  1. After Grandma Kim said she put this picture as her desktop background, I decided to make it mine too. I regret my decision. Every day I open my computer, I see this precious face staring back at me and I want to cry knowing that I still have 24 days until I get to spend the summer with Kaya Holiday. I'm jealous of Aunt Sissay because she gets to live with the dang thing and jealous of J because she gets copyrights! This world is unjust.

  2. Love, Auntiebom

  3. Now really are these pictures posted to proove that you have the most adorable child on the planet because I surrender!!! it's true...i once thought I had the cutest kids in the world and then you go and top me!!!! I love Miss Kaya dearly!!!! -Aunt Natalie
