There are a lot of things that we love about living in Long Beach. Our neighborhood is perfect for walking, we have the beach a couple blocks away, a park a couple blocks away, tons of restaurants and shops and new things to see everyday. But, by far the thing we love the best is having Grandma & Grandpa and all of the aunties and cousins right here for us to play with any time we want.
Kaya loves her Grandma more than anyone and they are very silly together. Kaya starts grinning right when we walk in the door because she knows Grandma is about to do something crazy to make her laugh.

Auntie Teri loves Kaya so much and loves to play with her and spoil her. Last week, she bought Kaya a new walker and she loves it. She isn't quite big enough to ride on it but she loves to stand behind it and push it. She's pretty wobbly on her feet though. I know that some babies start walking around this age (I even talked to another mom at the park yesterday who told me her son walked at 8 1/2 months!) but I don't think our girl is quite ready for that. Watching her play with her new walker, I can see that she still can't balance herself well enough to stand on her own & her ankles just don't look strong enough to support her weight yet. I'm actually completely okay with her walking a little later. She's already such an adventuresome, dare-devilish, curious kid- climbing all over the place & making mischief and messes.

We are so lucky to have the cousins right across the street from Grandma's house, too. Kaya loves playing with them and all of their fun toys. I am SO extremely excited for Kaya's brand new baby cousin, Delilah who is due on Christmas Eve. Kaya won't be the baby or the only girl anymore. I think they are going to be best friends and I can't wait to meet her!

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